Big Data

CAIT: Data Protection norms key to assure  Retail and E-commerce is not smacked by Big tech data collection practices

 New Delhi: CAIT(The Confederation of All India Traders) has ascertained that the data protection rules are critical to ensure that retail and e-commerce sectors are not negatively affected by the data collection of big tech companies. According to CAIT, there is a boundation of data flows on a cross border. 

CAIT also said in a written submission to IT Minister Ashwini Vaishanw on draft data protection norms that restrictions on cross-border data flows are important for India to ascertain that Indian data is not misused and also to save economic harm resulting from unchecked processing of personal data by big tech companies.

The Trade personnel state that promoters of unrestricted cross-border data flow argue that free-flowing cross-border personal data is beneficial for countries but there is no proof to indicate that unrestricted transfer of personal data is profitable, other than global players. As CAIT said that compelling the global tech companies to keep and process the personal data of Indians within the boundaries will improve compliance with the requirement of intended rules, increase the ability of local law enforcement and provide measure opportunity in the event of misuse and violation of personal data. 

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