Delhi and Neighboring Areas Shudder: Massive Tremors Follow 6.2 Earthquake in Nepal

On Tuesday, Delhi and its neighboring areas were rattled by powerful tremors originating from a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal. The quake’s impact was captured in alarming videos as fans swayed and lights flickered in homes and offices. Panic-stricken people rushed to the streets and open spaces seeking safety.

The seismic event began with a 4.6 magnitude tremor in western Nepal at a depth of 10 kilometers at 2:25 pm. This was followed by the more potent 6.2 magnitude jolt at 2:51 pm. The earth continued to shake with two additional quakes of magnitude 3.6 and 3.1, striking the same region at depths of 15 kilometers and 10 kilometers at 3:06 pm and 3:19 pm, respectively.

Just hours after this initial quake, Uttarakhand experienced its own temblor, measuring 4.3 in magnitude. The epicenter of this second quake was also in Nepal, 200 kilometers southeast of Uttarakhand’s town of Joshimath. It occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers. These tremors are part of a series of six earthquakes that shook Nepal within a span of three hours. Their effects extended to various parts of North India, including Delhi and its surroundings, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.

Concerns about seismic activity in the region had been raised earlier by Dutch researcher Frank Hoogerbeets, known for his predictions based on celestial alignments. On Monday, he noted atmospheric fluctuations in parts of and near Pakistan, which he considered a potential indicator of an impending stronger tremor.

The authorities encouraged residents to stay calm and evacuate buildings to open areas during the tremors. They emphasized not using elevators and provided emergency contact information. Nepal, situated in one of the world’s most active tectonic zones (seismic zones IV and V), is particularly susceptible to earthquakes. The memories of the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the country on April 25, 2015, still linger, claiming more than 8,000 lives and injuring over 21,000 people.

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