Meta plans to build a specialized app to compete with Twitter

Here’s how Meta plans to build a specialized app to compete with Twitter

Meta is well-known for stealing features from other social networking platforms and implementing them into their own. Meta’s most popular apps, such as Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, have it all, whether it’s TikTok-inspired Reels, Snapchat-inspired Stories, or Discord-inspired Communities. It looks like Mark Zuckerberg’s organization has major ambitions to compete with Twitter this time. For years, Meta has been rumoured to be working on a Twitter competitor. According to a recent report, the startup may be closer to its Twitter rival, however, its identity is unknown. After the report broke, new Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino responded with, “Game On.”

During a companywide meeting last week, top Meta executives provided staff with a glimpse of their impending Twitter competitor. According to the beta acquired by The Verge, this would be a separate app from Meta with Twitter-like capabilities and an interface. The platform is known as “Project 92.”

According to the screenshot, Meta would allow users to log in using their Facebook or Instagram ID, sparing them the trouble of generating a new ID. Users can respond to a Twitter-style prompt by sharing their ideas, and others can like, remark, and re-share with or without comments (essentially retweet). The graphic also shows that users will be able to construct threads, which are a sequence of posts that are posted one after the other.

According to the source, the Twitter-inspired Meta app will populate a user’s information using Instagram’s account system. During the conference, Meta chief product officer Chris Cox reportedly stated that the company was already working with celebrities such as Oprah and the Dalai Lama to join the platform in order to entice others to use the “Project 92″ app.”We’ve been hearing from creators and public figures who are interested in having a sanely-run platform that they believe they can trust and rely on for distribution,” Cox added.

His statements appear to be a subtle dig at Twitter founder Elon Musk, who has come under fire for his “hardcore” approach to the micro-social media network. As Musk continues to swiftly overhaul his team and work culture, driving many senior executives to depart, numerous experts have openly highlighted worries about hate speech on Twitter. According to reports, Twitter has also failed to pay its Google Cloud membership payments. Twitter may be subject to safety and privacy concerns if it does not use a reputable cloud provider to manage the flow of information on the platform.

However, Meta platforms have a mixed reputation when it comes to security and privacy. According to the Wall Street Journal, Instagram’s algorithms advertised the sale of illicit “child-sex material” on the network last week. Meta stated that the company has rigorous CSAM (child sexual abuse material) policies. While the corporation claims to have all of the restrictions and protections in place, it wouldn’t be shocking if new pages spreading such stuff appeared on a daily basis. When Meta announced its Twitter counterpart, Project 92, it would emphasize similar efforts. It’ll be fascinating to see if the Twitter-like software provides end-to-end encryption security for direct messages.

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