Sundar Pichai is assisting Google in making financial savings through desk sharing, layoffs, and other methods.

Sundar Pichai is assisting Google in making financial savings through desk sharing, layoffs, and other methods.

Google announced 12,000 job cuts earlier this year as part of its cost-cutting initiatives. The business has also noted a slowdown in growth, thus Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, has been taking steps to conserve the business’s funds. The software company even announced fewer promotions and annual salary reductions for staff in addition to asking employees to share desks with others. This is a look at how Sundar Pichai is assisting Google in making financial savings. On January 20 of this year, Google announced the dismissal of 12,000 workers. Pichai acknowledged that it was a challenging choice and that the business had carried out a thorough evaluation across all product areas and operations to make sure that people and jobs were in line with the greatest goals. According to the CEO’s specifics, employee losses have been made throughout Alphabet, product areas, functions, levels, and regions.

Additionally, he has stated that the laid-off workers will receive a competitive severance package, which will include at least 16 weeks of GSU vesting, two weeks for each additional year spent working at Google, and 16 weeks of salary. Also, Google will pay 2022 bonuses and unused vacation days. Other perks include six months of medical coverage, assistance with finding a job, and immigration support for those who need it. According to reports, Google is requesting that some of its employees share a desk with a few coworkers. Sundar Pichai, CEO of the tech giant, disclosed at a meeting that the action would result in cost savings. This is another cost-cutting move Google has used after laying off 12,000 workers across multiple countries, including India.

“It’s clear to me that they’re trying to be economical and save money while simultaneously utilizing resources, “Pichai stated last week during an all-hands meeting. “By the way, some individuals frequently lament the fact that when they arrive, the office is vacant and feels like a ghost town. It’s just a bad experience, he continued. Google officially informed staff members in an email that the business will be decreasing the number of senior and leadership promotions this year. The company’s growth has slowed, which may indicate that Google is experiencing financial difficulties and is thus implementing some cost-cutting measures.

Although we are anticipating fewer promotions into L6 and above than when Google was expanding swiftly, the manager-led procedure will be substantially comparable to last year’s. According to the email received by Business Insider, this is done to ensure that the number of Google employees in senior and leadership positions increases in line with the company’s expansion. Senior employees with years of experience are referred to as L6.

According to recent reports, Google would reduce all senior and higher-level employees’ annual incentives by a specific amount. “The annual bonus for all positions above the senior vice president level will be reduced very significantly. The remuneration is connected to senior positions.

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