WhatsApp adds four new text formatting options and using them is really simple

WhatsApp adds four new text formatting options and using them is really simple

This is one of the new features that WhatsApp has added, and it’s really helpful if you use it for business communications or even just because you enjoy texting with a little bit of drama. Four new text formatting options have been announced by WhatsApp, allowing you to inline code, bullet, number, and block quote your text in messages. And straightforward shortcuts can be used for these. The shortcuts for Bold, Strikethrough, Italic, and Monospace already exist; these are extras.

What are the new WhatsApp shortcuts and how do they work?

Users will be able to utilize four new formatting shortcuts for Bulleted Lists, Numbered Lists, Block Quotes, and Inline Code as of right now on all WhatsApp users on iOS, Android, Web, and Mac desktop app. Administrators will be able to utilize the feature in Channels in addition to individual and group chats. If you use Slack, you may recognise these formatting options. However, on Slack, you can enable these formatting options by clicking on an icon located directly above the text bar or by using shortcut keys.

Returning to the formatting options, the first one is Bulleted List; this format is typically used for text that includes a shopping list or a list of points. Use the’-‘ symbol before the sentence you want to bullet; it will automatically become a bullet icon. This will initiate the Bulleted List format. After that, you can continue to press Shift+Enter, and the following bullet point will be generated automatically. Do not forget to include a space between your text and the ‘-‘ symbol.

The Numbered List follows, which is a more formal version of the Bulleted List. Type 1, 2, or 3 followed by a period and a space to use it. Shift+Enter will move you automatically to the next number in the list, just like it does in the Bulleted List.

Then, in messages, you can use Block Quote to draw attention to and emphasize important text. To utilize it, type the ‘>’ symbol and then a space.

However, specific information can be made to stand out from the rest of your text by using inline code. To utilize, enclose text in the } symbol. Take a look at how I used this text, for instance.

Users who use WhatsApp for business communications, in particular, will find it easier to format their messages with these shortcuts. Keep these shortcuts in mind the next time you want to format your notes more precisely or want to draw attention to a specific section of your text. 

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