Elon Musk brings back the little birdie

Elon Musk brings back the little birdie and switches the official Twitter logo with the Dogecoin logo

Only a few days ago, Elon Musk changed the Twitter bird logo to the infamous Shiba Inu or Dogecoin emblem. Yet why? It’s possible that even Musk is unaware of this. But, it is considered to be connected to the $258 lawsuit filed by Dogecoin investors against Musk. Many people also believed it to be a late April Fools’ joke pulled by the millionaire. Whatever the cause, the little birdie has returned once more, and we sincerely hope it stays.

Musk shocked everyone a few days ago by switching the Twitter logo to the Dogecoin logo.

We had high hopes that the Doge logo would remain visible for a few hours, as Musk always does, but it didn’t happen. And because Musk is Musk, the logo persisted for around three days. Which CEO does that ? Not sure, but it is very usual for Musk. Only the web version of Twitter used the Doge logo; the app still featured the small blue bird.

In fact, Musk made jokes about it after replacing the Twitter bird emblem with the Dogecoin one. The billionaire posted a screenshot of a conversation he had on Twitter with a user who suggested that Musk purchase Twitter and change the company’s emblem to a Doge. He shared the screenshot and claimed that, “as promised,” the company’s logo had been updated.

Then why did Musk actually switch Doge to the Twitter logo?

Although the situation is still unclear, we suspect that Musk is merely attempting to deflect attention from the lawsuit that Dogecoin investors have filed against him. Perhaps he intended to demonstrate that his tweets about the Doge aren’t an attempt to deceive anyone and shouldn’t be taken seriously at any particular point by altering the logo to Doge. This is the precise position his attorneys took in court, describing the lawsuit as a “fanciful work of fiction” based on the Twitter owner’s “innocent and frequently funny tweets.” Hence, the purpose of changing the logo might be to simply demonstrate to the court that his actions regarding Dogecoin are absurd and unimportant.

The billionaire is currently attempting to turn Twitter into a profitable business once more. The company’s worth has decreased by 50% to $20 billion after Musk bought it. He paid the $44 billion in cash to buy the business. In his most recent action, Elon Musk disclosed that Twitter will begin deleting blue ticks from old accounts and that only those who pay for the Twitter Blue subscription will receive the verification. In India, a Twitter Blue online membership costs about Rs 600 per month, while a mobile user must pay Rs 900 per month to receive the blue tick.

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