The trailer for the upcoming film ‘Shastry Virudh Shastry,’ a poignant family drama featuring the talented Paresh Rawal and Mimi Chakraborty, graced screens on October 25, building anticipation for its premiere on November 3. Directed by the acclaimed duo Nandita Roy and Shiboprasad Mukherjee, this movie embarks on an exploration of parenthood that challenges conventional notions of guardianship, weaving a captivating courtroom narrative that promises to be a thought-provoking cinematic experience.
‘Shastry Virudh Shastry’ presents a heartwarming yet complex tale of seven-year-old Momoji, played by an emerging young talent, torn between the love of his parents and devoted grandparents. The central dilemma unfurls with a profound question, “Who holds the moral claim?” This film seeks to delve deep into a subject that resonates with countless households but is rarely discussed openly – the essence of parenthood and the extent to which the law should govern a child’s destiny.
Directed by the dynamic duo Nandita Roy and Shiboprasad Mukherjee, the film features a stellar cast, including the venerable Paresh Rawal, sharing the screen with the accomplished Bengali actress Mimi Chakraborty. The ensemble also boasts the talents of Amruta Subhash, Manoj Joshi, Neena Kulkarni, and Shiv Pandit. ‘Shastry Virudh Shastry’ is an adaptation of the acclaimed Bengali film ‘Posto’ and has been remade in Hindi to engage a wider audience. The original movie featured a brilliant ensemble cast, including Soumitra Chattopadhyay, Jisshu Sengupta, Mimi Chakraborty, and Paran Bandopadhyay.
This heart-wrenching story unfolds in a courtroom, where it pits love against the law, inviting viewers to question the infallibility of parents and their right to guardianship. It raises the fundamental query of who should truly claim guardianship in the court of love. With its emotional depth and compelling performances, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience. Viacom18 Studios, renowned for its consistent support of diverse and engaging narratives, continues its tradition of pushing boundaries. ‘Shastry Virudh Shastry’ offers both entertainment and the opportunity for profound reflection on social narratives that resonate deeply with audiences. On November 3, cinephiles will have the chance to celebrate the power of storytelling and cinema through this captivating film.