Microsoft company announces for insertion of a new feature in Excel. This new feature is New Image Function. Under this, Users insert an image directly into a cell and include a link from the location source. There is also help for alt text, and users can correct the picture from inside the sheet. This feature is present on PC, Macs, and WEB. It also covers Beta on Android. The feature also solves the old issue of users that limit the option of using images on the float of the top only. With the new version of excel images from a source, location can be put within cells together with their alternative text. Along with this, the web version of Excel has been updated with new formula suggestions, Formula by Example, Add search bar in the queries pane, as well as advice on the link. This feature has other abilities like moving, resizing cells, sorting, and filtering data. One more feature added to this is the power query editor, where the users simply press F12 with Alt on window32 and option + F12 on Mac to get an editor on a snap. This feature makes the work easy for Microsoft Excel users.