Covid 19 wave started in China in 2019 and expanded over the world. The people face a deadly situation, tackle that situation, scientists invent many vaccines like Corona Vac, Covidshield, Covaccine, and phizer as soon. After relaxing some months, covid cases have risen back in China.WHO (world health organization) is concerned about China’s condition, expanding news of the severe disease Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. China also takes precautionary measures to save its people’s life. A Shanghai Hospital has prepared its staff for a tragic battle with covid 19 as it expects 25 million people to get infected by the end of the year. Some experts forecast that it should be the height in late January. WHO is ascertained to maintain the strength for booming access to covid 19 vaccines and will support countries in evolving vaccines to save a life. As per the Union Health Ministry, covid 19 situation in India is much better than in China and other countries like Japan, Korea, Brazil, and the United States. The government of India declared Covid Alert and appealed to the masses to follow safety precautions as per Covid protocol.