How to Foster a Love of Reading in Your Children

How to Foster a Love of Reading in Your Children

Reading is a habit that has to grow with the right amount of nurture. To incorporate this tradition in your child; you have to create the atmosphere right from the beginning. If you succeed in this process; then you will give your child the greatest gift.

Encourage your child to become an avid reader; then she will never be alone. She can have her own journey on the road to reading. Now if you are thinking about how to foster the love of reading in your child; then we have some excellent tips that will help your child to find joy in reading from an early age.

Start Early: There is no right time to start reading. As a parent; it is your duty to follow a routine of storytime. What is a better idea than snuggling under a blanket and reading a book together? And this habit should not be once in a while as you have to practice it daily. Fix a daily story time which can be a lazy afternoon or before bedtime when sharing a story together is a great option.

Be a Role Model: It is a proven fact that children love to copy their elders. So it is not advisable that as a parent you should concentrate on TV or phone and ask your child to read a book. You have to be their role model and engage yourself in reading. If you read quite often; then they will see this habit as the best option. If you don’t have the habit of reading, then it is the best time for you as well to become a bookworm and start to have the joy of reading. When your kids will see you enjoying the books; then they will indulge in that habit as well.

Keep Ready the Stock: There must be enough books for your kids that they can read at your home. Keep the books in the reach of the kids so that they can pick up any of them whenever they want. The bookshelf for the kids should be separate from yours and the books are placed according to her height. In this way, she can select and pick her own choice of books are read. You can take a membership of the library or get access to pre-loved books.

Variety is Must: Children don’t love a constant thing; they need variety. Your child’s library must have a wide range of books. While story books are a must; you can have some knowledge and information-centric books as well. For example; collect books on space, dinosaurs, or some superheroes. Find out what area excites your child more and focus on that.

Create a Separate Reading Corner: To make the habit of reading, initially make a place for the reading. It can be a comfy chair or a bean bag or inside her cozy tent – but the place should be fixed. You can also decorate the place with fairy lights and her favorite toys. The corner should be relaxing but have enough lights so that your kid will curl up while reading it. The book rack should be next to the corner so that she can reach her favorite book whenever is required.

Local Library Visits: Every week take your child to visit the local library. The library is a magical place where they can explore different books. There are many libraries that have regular storytelling sessions. Attain those sessions with kids so that they will understand the power of book reading. Make sure your kid will borrow her favorite books for the week and complete it before submitting them. A visit to the library is a wonderful way to incorporate the love for books in your kids.

Make Reading an Experience: While reading the story books; you have to make some effort to make the session interesting. Kids have a very strong imagination power and the book reading session helps to boost it. Use voice modulation or a shadow or some props while reading the story to the kids. Transform reading time into playtime by using books as inspiration for imaginative activities. For example, after reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea, children can have a pretend tea party with their toy tea set. Alternatively, after reading The Three Little Pigs; kids can build houses using Lego bricks, straw, and twigs, and then test which one is the strongest by blasting them with a hair dryer. By incorporating books into playtime, children can engage with the story in a hands-on way and bring their favorite characters to life.

Start a Conversation: Engaging with books can spark meaningful conversations with your child. After finishing a story; take the opportunity to discuss the characters, plot, and themes with your child. Encourage their imagination by asking open-ended questions, like “What do you think would happen if…?” or “Who do you think was the bravest character?” These type of discussions lead to an insightful and amusing exchanges between you and your child making the reading session together a valuable and pleasant experience.

Travel with Books: While traveling in the car, carry books for your kids to read during the journey. They will not bother you and transport you to the world of the words. You can also give them books that are related to the destinations. It will give them more interest while reading as they can connect with the story.

Make it a fun session: Believe me, they are little kids and they look for fun everywhere. So, don’t compel them in reading. Instead, make the whole session a fun-filled experience for them. You can read your book while your kid is reading her book and you can make a competition. It will encourage them to read more. You can also have a story-sharing session after reading the book so that she can tell you the story she reads and vice versa.

When you will implement these practices; you will surely see some changes in your kid. Don’t set your expectation in a way that the child will instantly pick up the books and start reading. You have to be patient and keep encouraging them to indulge in the world of imagination.

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