Digigiggles: In 48 hours, over one million people signed up for the new Microsoft Bing's waitlist.

In 48 hours, over one million people signed up for the new Microsoft Bing’s waitlist

On Tuesday, Microsoft released a new version of the Bing search engine that includes a new chatbot AI function. While the complete version of the new Bing is currently only available to a small number of users, it appears that there are a large number of people who want to dive in and check it out.

Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President and Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, revealed in a Twitter post that 48 hours after the Bing waitlist went live, over one million individuals joined up to gain access to the new chatbot-enabled search engine.

The number of waitlisters is complemented by the number of Bing mobile app downloads this week. According to the data.ai analysis group, downloads of the Bing app have increased by tenfold since the new Bing was unveiled earlier this week.

Microsoft has stated that the new and complete Bing experience would be available to millions of users in the coming weeks. Its competitor Google intends to release its own chatbot AI, dubbed Bard, to the general public in the near future, with all corporate employees being requested to test it first.

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