Nvidia CEO says don’t learn coding because AI, tech giant exec says jobs will be hit

Nvidia CEO says don’t learn coding because AI, tech giant exec says jobs will be hit

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is starting to play a bigger role in all aspects of our lives, both personally and professionally. We have also begun to observe the negative effects of AI in recent months, particularly with regard to the labor market. In just 2024, major tech companies like Google, Meta, and Amazon laid off thousands of workers. Two prominent figures in the industry, Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, and Satish H. C., an executive vice-president at Infosys, has emphasized the impact that this technology will have on jobs. All they said can be summed up in five points.

Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, hinted that artificial intelligence (AI) may soon render coding, which has long been regarded as a necessary component of computer science, obsolete. According to him, the development of AI will make it simple for those without a background in traditional programming to create sophisticated programmes. This suggests a dramatic change from the perspective that coding is a specialized skill to one that suggests it may become more of a general skill. Which basically implies that programmers might be replaced by AI.

Nearly everyone who has spoken on a platform like this in the last ten to fifteen years will tell you that teaching your kids computer science is essential and that everyone should be able to programme. Actually, the situation is nearly the exact reverse. It is our responsibility to develop computer technology that eliminates the need for programming and uses human language instead. “Everybody on the earth is a programmer these days”. This, according to Huang, is AI’s miracle.”

In slightly different terms, Infosys executive Satish H C made the same suggestion. He thinks that future employment will decline as a result of AI. According to his prediction, companies will become more efficient due to emerging technologies like generative AI, which will decrease the need for manual labor in traditional roles.

Though in different ways, both viewpoints suggest that AI will significantly change the nature of work. Jensen Huang emphasizes how technology can empower people and speculates that artificial intelligence (AI) may eventually create a world in which anyone can programme. However, in light of technological advancements, Satish H. C.’s point of view depicts a picture of job displacement and a decline in the need for traditional labor.

Former CTO of Oculus VR John Carmack echoed the remarks made by the CEO of Nvidia. There was never any value in coding, so people shouldn’t become unduly attached to it. The fundamental ability is problem-solving. He stated in an X post in response to Huang’s video that while the discipline and accuracy required by traditional programming will still be valuable transferable qualities, they won’t be an obstacle to entry. He continued, “Even if they end up being better programmers than I am, I suspect that I will enjoy managing AIs more.”

In Jensen Huang’s vision, people are given new skills and abilities by AI, creating an optimistic scenario. According to Satish H. C.’s analysis, there is a genuine chance that jobs could be lost and businesses will need to change to keep up with this new technological reality. The wider conclusion is that there will be a variety of effects from AI on the labor market. As AI advances, some jobs may become obsolete, but for those who are prepared to upskill and adjust to the new environment, new opportunities will present themselves. Ultimately, in order for people and businesses to stay competitive in the labor market as artificial intelligence develops, they will need to be proactive in picking up new skills and embracing technological innovations.

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