The Benefits of Positive Parenting and How to Practice It

The Benefits of Positive Parenting and How to Practice It

Parenting is not always about pampering and loving the kids all the time but it also involves using a firm tone and technique if required. A parent or guardian of young kids can understand the statement better. But do you think that is it necessary to raise your voice or impose an opinion on your child for trivial issues? Or is there any effective technique for handling your little one without getting upset or even hurting their feelings? This post is about finding positive parenting which will help you understand your child better and handle the situation practically!

Positive Parenting

Positive parenting seems to be all good and positive without any reaction towards the bad behavior of your kid. However, it does not mean that you cannot reprimand when your kid behaves badly and be nice to your children even when they don’t deserve it. Positive parenting is a philosophy and a strategic method that is based on the principle of relationship with our kids as the most important thing, and how we can help develop their self-confidence. The focus of Positive parenting is on discipline and raising the kids to be a self-reliant and responsible individual who treats others with compassion, respect, gratitude, and empathy.

The Best Age to Start Positive Parenting

Practicing positive parenting should be right from the beginning and it begins right at the infant level. According to research, children below one year highly benefited from a positive parenting approach. It builds a secure parent-child relationship that result in positive developmental outcomes like self-esteem, trust, self-competence, etc. Hence, positive parenting should begin as early as possible.

Benefits of Positive Parenting

Below mentioned are some of the benefits associated with the positive parenting approach:

  1. Stronger bond between the parents and the child
    Positive parenting with the help of behavioral development techniques helps you in developing a strong bond between parents and children and helps increase the trust between parents and children. The children will have positive conversations more frequently with their parents as a result of positive parenting and the optimistic outlook benefits a stronger relationship. This will give the confidence of the kids to readily come to you with their problems and any questions they have as they grow older especially when your kids come to their middle school or high school. These kids encounter more events, and complex social-life problems, and most of the kids are a little reluctant to share their experiences with their parents. However, a positive parenting approach will enable the kids to involve their parents in this phase of life.
  2. Effective flow of communication
    Communication is important to all of us in every aspect of our lives and is an inevitable aspect of a positive parenting approach. The main principle of the positive parenting approach is to encourage a positive and pleasant conversation with your kids as compared to harsh and negative thoughts. This is developed by encouraging the kids to have an open talk and also guiding them on how good behavioral choices can spread good feelings and happiness. It should be a two-way process, so you should also share your experiences and feelings with your children regularly. A parent should be patient enough to listen to all the stuff their kids have to say.
  3. Self-esteem and happiness
    As a parent one should focus more on encouragement and improvement that will help children get a positive approach in life. We can see mistakes and imperfections as an opportunity to improve to develop positive behavior. A happy and pleasant environment at home leads to lesser stress for both parents and kids.
  4. Sets a positive example for kids
    You should set up an inspiring and good role model for your kids that is extremely important and challenging. Abusive and bullying parents will often have disturbed kids compared to kids with parents who have a gentle will have mild and friendly approach towards life.
  5. Reduces negative behavior
    It is important to understand that as parents, we to set control limits for the kids. Positive parenting encourages you to adopt positive alternatives to negative actions.
  6. Enhances mutual respect
    There should be mutual trust between parents and kids. Rules are extremely important for kids, but you need to make them understand why those rules are made instead of just stating them. For instance, if you asked the kids not to go out without taking your permission then they should be told that it is for them so that in case they are in trouble you can keep them safe.

Positive Parenting Techniques

Here are some useful tips for positive parenting that can be followed:

  1. Exercise positive parenting discipline at home
    Being kind and respectful to others can set examples for your kids to follow as children learn by imitating their parents. It also helps to maintain a peaceful atmosphere at home, which will help your child to keep calm and be receptive to logic even during a difficult situation.
  2. Be Creative
    During times of throwing tantrums and misbehavior it is highly recommended that instead of imposing punishments, one has to be creative with the impositions you can give them. It encourages even the most difficult children to learn new behavior.
  3. Patience
    Positive parenting will not give you a result overnight but you need to be patient with your kids to see any real change in them. Repeated practices, patience, and positivity are rewarding and beneficial in the long run.
  4. Understand the age-related behavior
    You need to understand and act according to the brain development and age-related behavioral pattern in kids. Logical reasoning and sound judgment may not work for children below three, but for older kids, you can adopt inductive discipline by giving those choices.
  5. Set clear and consistent rules
    Setting clear rules and limits that have to be followed and explaining the consequences of violating them is also important. You also need to check that the rules are consistent and followed through at all times.
  6. Take time to gather thoughts
    There will be moments of anger at your kid’s behavior but take some time out and gather your thoughts and get back to your kids with an open mind. When your mind is disturbed and angry, you’ll simply blow up the conversation which may lead to more damage than good. Regular meditation techniques also help promote positive parenting.
  7. Understand the reason for an action
    There is always a reason behind why children misbehave, even for a petty thing. Make it a point to address this cause directly, then the child would feel acknowledged and understood instead of getting upset.
  8. Give them a learning opportunity
    This is more effective for older kids when they are old enough to listen to reason. Encourage them to speak about why they are angry and this will help develop their communication skill instead of keeping it in their mind for a considerable amount of time.
  9. Avoid shaming
    Consider saying ‘Stop behaving like a baby!’ It has negativity attached to it and impacts their self-esteem and causes a shaming effect in children. Instead, communicate with kids and let them know that it’s not an appropriate behavior without shaming or taunting them.
  10. Practice positive parenting
    We tend to comment and correct the kids for their negative behavior more than we appreciate and acknowledge if they do something beautiful. Give your child more attention for her good behavior than her bad ones and it will encourage them to do more good work and maintain a positive self-identity.

An open, friendly, and peaceful relationship with kids gives a sense of fulfillment and contentment. Positive parenting tips are essential for healthy child development that will also help you tackle behavioral issues with kids at different stages of their lives!

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